Saturday, January 15, 2011

Creative deserts.."Sugar Rush"

     Yesterday night, I watched a programme named Sugar Rush in Asia Food Channel. It was an interesting programme. The programme is about making pastry and cakes creatively, mostly using sugar. I learned that we can design using foods as well. The host brings us to different places where deserts are designed beautifully and creatively. First, they showed a food competition where the participants must designed a desert which is 5 feet tall using only sugars. The best artwork and composition gets the prize. I was amazed seeing it. I did not know that foods can be designed so well and is even good enough to be exhibited. The desert came in different design and shapes. Some were made in a shape of a butterfly, some were in a shape dragonfly and some were designed in a different creature shapes.Although the desert is edible, it did not look like a edible thing at all. It looked more like an artwork.Besides that, the host also showed a cake designer who designs cake using flower made with sugar, which are also edible. It looked exactly like a real flower and I wonder how creative pastry chef can be till they can make a make that look like a art piece. I realized that pastry chefs cannot be underestimated. Inside each of them, we can find a designer who presents desert in a way it looks like an art piece and also edible.

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