Monday, January 24, 2011

About an animation movie that I like recently..

       During the weekend I watched Rapunzel, a disney animation movie with my friends. I usually love all the disney movies. They are just perfect. The animations, graphics and the storyline are just perfect. When I watched Rapunzel I liked it even more. The animation and the characters are soo beautiful. I was looking at Rapunzel all the while to figure how they would have drawn her and come up with the idea to draw a character like her. She was so pretty and attracted me straight away. Besides, the settings and background of the animation movie are also so beautiful and attractive. Apart from that, even though they have changed the storyline of the actually animation cartoon, I actually liked this storyline more or can be said I loved it a lot. Rapunzel was superb with perfect character design, background setting, romantic, funny and interesting storyline. It is worth watching. Rapunzel has now become one of my favourite animation movie of all time.

This are some scenes from Rapunzel.

This is Rapunzel and she is so pretty. I really love the animator who created her.

This is Flynn the hero in the movie. He is also handsome and good looking.

I love this scene a lot. It is so romantic and pretty.

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