Thursday, January 20, 2011

Video Editing..

     Today, while I was editing video for my video production assignment, I realised that even though it is fun to edit a video but it is also equally tough to do colour correction and putting a suitable transition for the video. All this while I only watch movies for entertainment and for its storyline, but nowadays ever since my video production assignment, for the first time in my life I watched movie while realising the video effects, camera angel and also its type of colour. I realised that editing a video is not an easy work to do. We must make sure that the video is not to boring, we must include lots of cutaways and different camera angel to attract the viewers to keep watching it and also the video colour should not be so dull so that it gives viewers the mood it watch the video. Besides, I also learned that the toughest part in editing is doing the colour correction. My lecturer said our video should has a certain mood colour like for happy the video colour should be bright or orang-ish, if its scary the video should look a bit blue-ish  or if its serious the video should have a pale colour and what so ever. We find it really hard to bring that mood in the video. It is because we should play with the levels, contrast, brightness and lots of other effects in Premier Pro to achieve a suitable colour for our video. After all the adjustment and colour correction, we finally achieved the colour we wanted for our video. By doing this assignment I realised that the success of the movie does not depend only on the director, but also because of its editor. A editor is the one compiles all the video and cuts the videos accordingly to make it into an interesting movie.

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