Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thr experience.

     Last week, my friends and I went to thr radio station which was located in astro for my video production assignment. It was a different experience for me. We went there to shoot my subject matter which is a DJ for an tamil radio programme ( thr ). It was an exiciting moment for me. That was my first outdoor shooting and also my first visit to astro. I enjoyed every moment in astro. I love the working environment and planned to work there in future.:-) Besides that, I also learned about radio production a bit and how it works when they go on air. It was an interesting job which require talking skills and humour. I learned that though the job looks easy but it requires a lot of work and preparation before one can go on air. The other DJ's in thr were all friendly and helpful as well. I had a great time with all the DJs' there.

Picture below shows some of the pictures taken while I was in thr.

My group members and I with Dj Anantha.

Picture with Dj Uthaya and Dj Anantha.

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