Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Artist Impression???

     Today during submission, Mr. Zul explained to me what is artist impression. He said artist impression is a 3D view of how a final project will look like. For an example, in brochure of houses, they will have artist impression of the house, the environment and also includes human figures to show how the place will look like after it is filled with people. After I came back to room, I googled what artist impression is to get more understanding in it. I did not find the meaning of it but I found few examples of artist impression. It made me to understand it more. All this while I thought artist impression is the artist's comment about their work. Now I get it, it is not artist impression but it is called artist statement. I should have googled it earlier while I'm doing the assignment, I would have done my assignment correctly. Now its too late and I am regretting for not finding out what artist impression is on the first place before doing my assignment. After this I should google things first before doing my assignment. I am very sorry sir for not doing my assignment correctly and thank you for accepting it even when it is not correct.

My finding on artist impression:

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