Recently I watched a movie called P.S I Love You. The movie is about a husband (Gerard Butler)who died in his early age and how he guides his wife ( Hilary Swank) to go on with her life through letters which she will be receiving after his dead. The story was really touching and moved me. It shows the love of a husband towards the wife and how he guides and help her even after he passed away. In the movie, the Hilary Swank was a designing student before she met Gerard Butler. After her husband died he had no clue of what to do and then one day she figured out that she loved shoes a lot with the help of her husband's letter. From then onwards, she used her designing skill to design footwear and took classes on how to make footwear. Her shoe designs were so beautiful and unique. That's when I realized designers are not the one who just designs on posters or billboards but people who designs footwear are also a designer. From then onwards, I started to take notice on the designs of the footwear that i wear. I am also started to appreciate the designs that are around me.
i luv this movie as well. this will be the best movie ever in my life ^_^