Thursday, October 27, 2011

Form Follows Function, Function Follows Form...

          According to Wikipedia, form follows function is a principle associated with modern architecture and industrial design in the 20th century. It states that shape of a building or an object should be based on its function and purpose. Whereas, function follows form is opposite of form follows function. The form is created first and then only the layout is designed.

         Function follows form usually end up with great outer design and satisfying appearance from outside view but the we don't know what happens inside. For an example, the picture below shows the MIT Strata Center building by architect Frank Gehry. The outer appearance of the building is magnification and unique however the building blocks the emergency exit of the building. Therefore, this building is much for the design and when it comes for the practicality it is considered as a bad design.

Example of function follows form: MIT Strata Center

             On the other hand, form follows function is designed according to its purpose, thus fulfilling the function of the building or an object. For an example, the picture below shows an image of a designer's sofa. This sofa is designed for people to sit on it. Therefore, it follows the basic structure of a sofa but however it is designed in a creative way without neglecting the function of it.

Form follows function: the sofa is designed based on its function.

A glass tube act as a bird cage. It has a hole for the bird to breathe. This is an example of form follows function because it does not neglect the function as a bird cage.

                   Therefore, in design there is no one way of doing thing. Every designers has their own way of doing this. As long as it function able and practical any way is correct in achieving a good design. Form follows function or function follows form are both acceptable in design.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Less is more, More is Less ??

           Less is more is the notion of simplicity and clarity lead to good design. This is a 19th century proverbial phrase. It is founded in the print in Andrea del Sarto,1855, a poem by Robert Browning. Less is more is often associated with architure and web design.

           The purpose of minimalist design is to make the content to stand out and be focal point. Minimalism brings the important content to the focus and minimize the distraction to the audience. For an example, if a page is cramped with lots of element it distracts and confuses the user. Therefore, a minimalist design gives a focal point to the content. Therefore, it is best to keep the design simple so that is is understand able and catchy.

           In contrary, more is less is giving complexity to the design. However, the more complex is the design the more confuse it makes the audience. Besides, if there's too much of information in a page, it makes the main content in the page less noticeable and less important. Therefore, keeping the content to a minimum allows the designer to achieve perfect balance and thus producing a good design.

           In conclusion, the phrase "less is more, more is less' in very useful in design. It is important to keep the design simple in order to produce a good design.

3D Sidewalk chalk drawings by Julian Beever..

   As I was going through my e-mail I saw a collection of creative images and unique things in my inbox which I saved it long time ago. As I was seeing I came across with these images. These are chalk drawings which is drawn on pathways and streets. However, the specialty of this drawings are it looks as if it is real. These are realistic drawings. Since it is drawn on the streets people who walk pass them will think it is so real. In fact the drawing also looks so real because it is drawn in 3D dimension. It is so creative how people can draw a image that looks so real like this. I stared at the pictures so long and still I cant identify how it is drawn.

Food Arts..

      Chefs from around the world find many creative ways of preparing and serving the food. I found this pictures of creative foods in the net. It is amazing to see how creatively a food can be prepared in this way. Who would actually thought we can serve rice and its gravy in a ways that a bunny is bathing in it.These are creative ideas of the chef and the restaurants. Arts like this can be found mostly in the foreign country. They have proved that foods are not for eating only but they can be turned into a art.

If this is earth what heaven looks like??

       I found this images from my friend's pc. She collects this kind of beautiful images.These are beautiful places from all around the world. If this kind of beautiful places can be found in earth i wonder how the heaven will look like.It is amazing how nature can be this beautiful. Is is because god has accidently created those place or is it because of the country is gifted?? God really amaze us in many ways. Nature is beautiful as always.

Digi advertisement..the yellow man..

      One advertisement that still in people's mind is the digi advertisement of the yellow man. It is so creative that is still famous among the Malaysians. The image of the yellow man and also the advertisement was so creative and catchy that makes everyone talk about. Now when we talk about digi the first thing that comes in people's mind is the yellow man, that significant the yellow man has been to the public. As a advertising student, I admire the way how the advertiser has catch everyone attention in a short period of time. The main factor that makes the advertisement successful is its funny and the slogan and song that says "I will follow u". It is one of the advertisement that I like since last time.

                                                              The famous yellow man

Programme I once used to watch often - Just for Laughs

       Last time during my school days I used to watch this program called Just for Laughs. It is a program where they will prank random people on the streets. It is so funny and I like to watch it very much. They prank people in many creative ways and its nice to see how people react to it. I used to wait every week to watch this programme. After for a while they had stopped this programme and came out with Just for Laugh Gags but it wasnt so funny and later on Malaysian came up this programme but it wasnt as nice as the foreigners one.